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Tuesday 12 November 2013



After months and months of following some truly inspiring blogs, I've finally decided to give it a go. I've grown up in good ol' Michigan since the beginning of time (May 7th, 1991). During those 22 years, I have become incredibly grateful to call this state my own - yes, even when temperatures are below freezing and my eyelashes freeze during the walk to my car. Seriously though, this girl has some serious love for her state. Through my blog, I plan to give readers a genuine taste of life of a 20 something in the Mitten State.

As a student studying Clinical Psychology, I regularly come across fascinating bits of information - tons of which I plan to share with you (and tons of which I won’t - I will spare you the boring stuff). Please note that these are not professional articles, but rather my thoughts and ideas about published works and research. I will link all of the sources in the posts, so feel free to check those out to get more details on the findings. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Aside from the occasional Psychology posting, I plan to blog about almost anything under the sun that interests me - from nifty crafts I've completed (gotta love Pinterest), styles that I’m loving, recipes that I attempt to master, to my thoughts/feelings/pondering on all things life. If I get enough readers, maybe I will throw in a giveaway or a few along the way ;-). So yeah - here goes!

Enjoy :-)
